Global Network of Public Health Nursing
Supporting public health nurses in developing practice across the world
Our story
Discussions on forming a global network of public health nurses began in 2009 in Oslo at the first International Public Health Nurse conference. The International Council of Nursing (ICN), whilst recognising the need for such a network, indicated that they were unable to support its development. The Institute of Community Health Nursing, (ICHN) Dublin thus agreed to take the lead in the development of the foundations required to form such a network. The Network was formally launched in Dublin in 2014.
Its administration subsequently moved to the UK
Official launch of the Global Network of Public Health Nursing
by President Michael D. Higgins, at Institute of Community Health Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ireland in June 2014

The Gathering of the quilt
The Gathering Quilt was commissioned by the ICHN to provide an everlasting symbol for a united international community of Public Health Nursing.

The quilt is to be displayed at each gathering reminding nurses that together we can make a difference. The quilt was designed and crafted by Maureen McDonald in Dublin in 2013.

The passing of the Gathering Quilt in Bilund, Denmark September 2016
Our logo

The GNPHN logo was developed from The Gathering Quilt and serves as a continuous reminder of our united global community.
A Foundation steering group had been set up with representatives from Norway, America, United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Kenya at the launch of the network in Dublin, Ireland in 2014.
A new Council was elected at 1st inaugural meeting, held in Bilund, Denmark, September 2016.
GNPHN Council would like to acknowledge the enormous input by Maura Connolly, Ireland, whilst a member of the Steering Group.
GNPHN Council also wish, to thank Institute of Community Health Nursing in Ireland, for their support, in setting up the Global Network of Public Health Nurses.