Global Network of Public Health Nursing
Supporting public health nurses in developing practice across the world
Nicola Carey
GNPHN Council Member
About Nicola
Nicola is Professor of Health Services Research and Head of Department for Nursing and Midwifery at the University of the Highlands and Islands and a qualified nurse with over 20 years with teaching and curriculum development experience in clinical and academic settings to undergraduate and postgraduate students at several UK institutes and in the US. Her research programme is designed to support the development and evaluation of innovation in clinical practice related to long-term conditions and she provides leadership in the field nationally and internationally.
Nicola is Vice-Chair for the Association of Prescribers and committee member for the International Collaboration for Community Health Nursing Research. Prior to joining UHI, she was Lead for the Long-Term Conditions and Ageing Cluster, and Reader in Long Term Conditions at the University of Surrey.